I've been dreaming about re-doing a ranch. I know it sounds completely out of character for me but I finished remodeling and decorating my current home this summer (look in the archive for photos) and so I'm itching for a new project, a new adventure. And I recently tumbled down my stairs in the middle of the night and broke my wrist. First thing my husband said was "we should buy a ranch". It's what he grew up in and finds familiar comfort in but...a ranch? It's been nearly eight weeks and I'm out of my cast and in occupational therapy now (totally hurts) and for some reason the idea of a ranch has permeated my dreams at night.
My parents are famous for finishing a restoration and then placing the house on the market and unfortunately I think I've got this disease as well. I'm thinking something a little sparser and open with a much greater mix of periods and styles. This keeps bringing me back to a ranch where I can play with mixing and not feel guilty about staying true to the architectural integrity of the original design. Who really cares about the integrity of 70's ranches? Is there even any?
I've been wondering through blogs and websites for ideas to convince my husband that we should get serious and start looking for a ranch while the interest rates are down and housing prices are falling. All I need is a house with good bones. All else can be reconfigured to suit our needs.
Here's what I'm thinking... white on the walls in the hallway/entryway

This is a clean line design and I think I'm moving towards this kind of decorating. I would use my existing antique furnishings from my family but streamline my choices a bit. I'm feeling the urge to unclutter and accentuate some of the great pieces I already have. Now if I could just get my husband on board...
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