Tuesday, September 18, 2007


We have had this piece of stained glass for a bit now. I figure it will take us a while to find someone who either lives with an address of 6704 somewhere lane or has a birthdate of June 7, 2004 or mayyyybeee April 1967 ...its a stretch. Other thoughts?? Update, here is another picture that shows the fantastic coloring of the glass on this window. I have had way too much coffee and I just could not keep the camera steady, but the colors come through wonderfully.


Jeanette said...

I love the window. Let's write a mystery book and use that as the title and book cover....

I got married in 67 and had four daughters, but my three sons might feel left out.

The Island Girls said...

I can see the cover now. Lighting crashing illumninating the window in a strange beautiful but eerie way. Liz