Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Road Trip to Toronto continues...

Dateline: Port Huron, Michigan

When last we blogged, Tab and Liz had just left for Toronto. They've made it to lovely, downtown Port Huron, Michigan. Ah, Port Huron - gateway to all that's enticing about our northern neighbors - ice fishing and Molson's, eh?

Here's Tab behind the wheel of Island Girl's delivery vehicle. Note the look of concentration and intensity - no doubt she's doing the speed limit.

And intense they have to be, with the distractions along I-94 in the LP (Lower Peninsula for those non-initiates). Here's an example of what they encountered:

Tough to stay focused, right?
Tune in tomorrow for more adventures of the Island Girls as they...Road Trip to Toronto!
PS I just know there's a movie about this trip aching to be made. Someone's ready for their close-up, Mr. DeMille

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