Tuesday, April 3, 2007

What has been taking up all of my time lately

Okay I know I haven't been blogging often enough lately but I've been working on a project at my house that is nearing completion. Finally. I've been doing some DIY things at home that will make my life a little, well, happier and pleasing to my eyes. See I had taken on a project to strip all of the painted woodwork in my house oh about three years ago now. It's been one of those projects that has taken on a life of it's own. I do a little here and a little there but I really make no progress. A few months ago I had received a call from our local paper requesting to "feature" my home and business. Great right!?! Free advertising for the business and the opportunity to show in person what I preach in reusing salvaged items. The problem was my house wasn't ready for this kind of exposure (nor was my husband but that's another story). So I called my dear friends at AAA Demolition and had Doug come over and take a look at my ideas for finishing off all of my started projects. Pretty basic stuff but I needed a professional to jump in and give it their all through completion. My 1930's sink and tub have just been refinished to shine like they did when they were installed. We added subway tile in the bathroom and I had a vintage medicine cabinet installed. We're working on installing fabulous 1940's cabinets that I purchased for a fraction of new. And if that's not enough my floors are being sanded and stained. It's taking shape with just a few more weeks to complete. Hence my departure from blogging. I've been stripping and sanding my fir doors here at the shop and transporting them back to my house for re-installation. They look wonderful.


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